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Christ the King RC Primary School

Christ at the Heart Of All We Do

01282 429108

…love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great…. Luke 6:35


Dear Parents/Carers, 

I feel extremely honoured and privileged to be the Headteacher at Christ the King RC primary school. Christ the King is so much more than just a school; it is a family and a community. It is a school that welcomes people into the school community, as the Lord welcomes, it cares for our school family and our brothers and sisters locally and globally. The school’s best asset is of course the children; their smiles, enthusiasm and love of learning is evident as soon as you walk through the door every day.   

My vision for Christ the King is centred around one word ‘children’. It is a vision that provides a safe, caring and respectful learning environment which is based around Gospel values of love/ trust/ friendship/ reverence and respect - where each child is challenged to achieve their potential academically, creatively, socially and spiritually. My vision is about creating passionate learners, inquisitive learners, learners that want more because they are loving what they doing. In today’s world children can be taught anything by google but google will never give a child a love of history, it will never develop a scientist or a passionate musician it simply teaches the skills. We want our children to be aspirational, to be resilient and to be respectful.  I believe that everyone within our school community should be valued and treated with love and respect and that each of us has a right to grow and become the best we can be. Lessons will actively contribute to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness by highlighting what God has taught us. With these values and our belief that we have a responsibility to give our best in all we do, our children will be prepared for their lifelong learning journey. 

I am looking forward to watching your children grow in confidence, knowledge and spirituality during their time at Christ the King RC Primary School.  

Please feel free to contact me at any time. To make an appointment, please speak to Mrs Clegg or Miss Hargreaves in the school office. 

Mrs Webster


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